Monday, November 28, 2011


Hello there!

Thank you so much for visiting! With the end of the year being super busy I have had no time to update my blog. To keep up to date on what I'm up to and pricing/phone/email info, please go check me out on Facebook-


-Daisy Knox

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The {M} Family!

The M's heard about my little photo-taking biz from a friend of mine. I always feel so good when I get referrals- let's me know that I'm doing a good job and people are spreading the word!

The M's were so sweet and such TROOPERS-Let me tell you, it was hot that morning and getting hotter by the minute! But we were able to get many great shots of them but I mean, when you have an adorable little doll like Miss.B how can you not! When she was done she just became a bit sleepy and gave me one of my favorite photos to date when she lay on her mommy's shoulder and gave a sweet little glance over at her daddy! Love!

Thank you so much M's! You were great- hope you enjoy your sneak-peek :)

The {S} Family!

As promised here is Miss. R at 3 months! Last time we saw her she was a newborn. My goal was to get her AWAKE! haha... She is my natural little poser and last time even though she was sleeping for most of our session she would gently lay her little hand over her face or cross her cute little feet- so adorable!
This is also a few weeks old and I'm happy to report that the S's were delighted with their photos! So here is a bit from their shoot!

The {L} Family!...Look Who's 1!

This past month was SUUPER busy and I'm just now getting the chance to upload a few new shoots that I've recently done. So happy and SO grateful about that! I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart- THANK YOU for supporting me and for your encouraging and kind words- Truly appreciate you all. :)

So now on to our first shoot-Look who is finally and shockingly, 1 years old! Little D! Seems like just yesterday I saw this tiny little peanut swinging away in his favorite swing when he was just a couple weeks old. How time fly! I don't want to say I have "favorites" but whenever his mommy calls me for a new shoot I get REALLL excited. Haha He just has such a sweet soul and brings out the best in you with his cute little faces and all the funny sounds he makes! Till next time, this is Little D at 12months!

Guys, thank you so much! Hope you enjoyed your preview!...(this one is a few weeks old :)